Myself Bhagyashri
Jatin Nakhwa. I am working in WAM INDIA
PVT LTD. Since last 5 years as a
Purchase Assistant.
Our company is in manufacturing line for screw conveyors an
assembly line for dust collectors and butterfly valves.
In our organization we are using ERP System. Our company is sister
concern of Italian group (WAM Group).
Our all system is directly connected to Italy. Now I am giving you
details of our system & how our system is useful for our habitual work.
Point 1:
This is our ERP Module. In this software we have covered all
activities of Dept. like Warehousing, Marketing, Sales, Payroll, Production,
Purchase, Reports, and Excise etc.
Point No. 2
As per my concern I am using Purchase
Module. Initial process starts with Planning Dept. They create their purchase requisition in
Planning Requisition Module. We have four categories for Requisition Planning,
Production, Admin & Maintenance. So
we are focusing in all four types of requisition.
Point 3
Once we get requisition then we start our
process. We Send enquiries to suppliers for the quotation, when we get quote from
various suppliers we start analyzing the quote whose quote is best for us. And
then we place the order.
Point 4
For placing order first we create a master
record for supplier code.
Point 5
On the basis of that supplier code we
create a purchase order. In the purchase order we mention 1) Rate 2) Payment
Term 3) Freight Charges 4) Terms & Condition 5) Qty. etc.
Point 6
Delivery Date is most important in purchase
order. We give various schedule in our purchase order as per attach below. Then
we send our purchase order to our purchase manager. He checks once again all attachments
Point 7
Our purchase manager approves our Purchase
orders in his login Id. Purchase order signed copy’s sent to supplier through courier as well mail
also , then we start the follow up for
the material as per their delivery schedule, reminder etc.
Modules generates automated reports of
Inward & outward entries of Warehouse dept.
Point 8
We maintain data in excel format also. That
is useful for our countercheck in excel format. We maintain start to end data for every
requisition for e.g. Requisition Date, Req. No. , Item, Qty, rate, Delivery
date, freight charges, receipt data. This
is necessary for daily follow up & reporting to seniors regarding the status
of all received requisition. Once in a week
Purchase manger checks this register & Comments his remark.
Point 9
If in a certain cases we find rate revision
or reduction. We need to create memorandum for that item. Memorandum always
shows our purchasing skill & market situation. We maintain their record for
the annual status of purchasing data.
Point 10
We have to prepare our purchase organization
flow chart in Micro Office Visio 2007 & Micro Office PowerPoint 2007 for
reporting, meeting agenda, Micro Office word for annexture covering letter
& Correspondence. All correspondence
is carried through our WAM group mail Id.
This blog
is part of IT assignment given by Prof. Arun Kumar V Waghchoure, as mentioned
on website www.tigriinnovations.com My Name: Bhagyashri Jatin Nakhwa, Roll No.:
18, Batch: DMT.